Summer Hair TipsIt’s summer in the desert. That means harsh conditions, including chlorine in our hair, the sun’s rays wreaking havoc, and sweat affecting our gorgeous locks. But I’ve put together 7 of the most important things to remember in the summer to help your hair look its best:

1.) Keep it trimmed. Getting rid of those dreadful little split ends is the first defense that we have in keeping and maintaining healthy locks.

2.) Try shampooing less, and with the proper products personally recommended for you.

3.) Saturate your hair with water (hose, shower, etc.) before you jump in the pool, then towel dry and apply sunscreen to the hair (doesn’t have to be anything expensive). Each and every time.  This will both repel the damaging chlorine or salt and protect your hair from the sun’s rays.

4.)  Bi-weekly deep conditioning treatments if you are in the sun and/or pool often. This can be done in the salon or at home.  I can make good recommendations for an at home treatment.

5.) Leave in protectors are important all year long in Arizona, but particularly in the summer.

6.) No wet pony tails or buns.  You do not want to put your hair up in a pony or bun when wet, because as the hair dries, it expands, causing damage, including split ends and broken hair.

7.)  Reduce hot tools as much as possible. If you’re trying to shampoo less and your hair requires smoothing with hot tools, do it once in the week and make it last with quick touch ups.

I want your hair to look and feel great no matter the time of year, so if you need extra help taming those tresses, let me show you how I can help.