I am so excited about being able to offer this maintenance service so your hair is more efficiently and expertly taken care of! For those of you who are so busy you don’t have the time to even remember to plan regular hair appointments or if you are looking for a more simplified hair regimen, this is the perfect package … which is why I call it The Ultimate Package!
Never have a bad hair day again! The Ultimate Package starts at $30 per week. It includes a weekly shampoo, moisturizing treatment, and blowout, plus haircuts and root touch ups as I deem necessary. Most Ultimate Package consumers make their blowouts last throughout the week and have eliminated shampooing or styling on their own all together. For a little extra, you can add highlights / lowlights or change your color at your regularly scheduled appointments on this plan. Your Brazilian Blowouts are also significantly discounted with this plan.
I can make sure there are no ragged ends or dulling of color or root reveals. The weekly visits ensure your locks look lovely and your color remains vibrant.
The Ultimate Package delivers the ultimate service. So you can always look fabulous!
Ask me for details at your next appointment.