Thinking of having your hair straightened? Or would you prefer curls? Here are a couple straightening processes, as well as some info about having curly hair that doesn’t involve you flatironing or using a curling iron every day.

Thermal Reconditioning/Japanese Straightening

Japanese hair straightening (thermal reconditioning) is a process that leads to permanent hair straightening. As it grows out, you can have the roots touched up, but your hair is permanently straight once the process is complete. This low maintenance style means hair dryers or flat irons are not needed to keep the hair straight.

This process lasts much longer than many other straightening methods because your permanently straight ends will pull new growth flat. The roots will only need to be touched up about every 3 months and the process should not be done with lightened hair or hair that has highlights.
Keratin Treatment

This service adds the keratin (the protein that gives hair its luster and shine) that is lost through the environment, hard water, and chlorine. Hair will dry much faster with a keratin treatment; your curls will be tamed and frizz minimized. This means fewer products and heat styling tools are needed. The keratin treatment will gradually wear off after about 3-5 months with quality care.

For best results, the care regimen is pretty strict: you can’t wash your hair for 72 hours. You can’t wear headbands, pony tails, put your hair behind your ear or even wear sunglasses on your head. If you sweat or get caught in the rain during the 72 hour period, you must blow dry the hair and flat iron. Smooth and silky is the result, though, which is so worth it!

A perm completely retexturizes your hair; from straight to curly or wavy. You can have tight curls or loose waves with a perm. Perms have had a bad rap, but the solutions have come a long way since the ‘70s. There’s no need to look like a poodle anymore. Getting a perm can mean less time working with your hair to get it to look the way you want. Beware: there’s no guarantee that you won’t end up looking like a supermodel.