Just how crazy do you want to go? Lots of people color their hair. Many more highlight it. Still others opt for just a streak of color, while the occasional brave adventurer goes wild and chooses an all-over, unconventional color that allows their unique personality to stand out. What are the hair color trends for 2014?

The newly named color for 2014 is Radiant Orchid, which some say is purple, and others may very well simply state it’s not for them. Whether the intention of this exotic color is to liven up a powder room or as an accent wall in a dining room, why not choose it as a hair color? Its energetic and vivacious hue could be just the thing that separates you from last year’s grays, which were popular with interior designers, though not usually a first choice in hair color.

If this is the year you are leaving home for the first time, starting your own business, beginning a new career, getting married, getting divorced, or any other journey that requires a robust and spirited attitude, why not show your dedication to your new adventure by coloring your hair? Choose just a streak or jump in with both feet and choose an all-over color.

When paired with a daring new cut, an exotic color can give you confidence and get you noticed. Even if you don’t choose Radiant Orchid for your hair, step out of the same old routine and let me help you choose the color that works best for you. If you want a new cut, I can do that, too. We can discuss the options that will bring out the best in your facial features, your attitude, and your lifestyle.

Let 2014 be Your Year and let’s color it happy!